Continued Education Units
You must be consistently training for 6 months before being eligible for Certification with WCCA
We have the right to modify requirements which would take effect 11 months after implementation
Check here for any changes in requirements. Please keep your contact information up to date as we may send important information to you.
WCCA Certification requires all student maintain Continued Education Units. Once you have passed and are certified you will be added to our certified trainer portal where you can find a list of approved schools, workshops and programs. Read through each of the below completely.
WCCA takes certifying and maintaining certification of a trainer very serious. If there is a trainer or workshop not listed in the portal that you would like to attend for credit, please contact us. We do not guarantee we will grant CEUs with the trainer or organization but will put it under consideration.
1 CEU = 5 hours of Continued Education
ALL Certified Trainers are required to have a minimum of 2 CEUs per year to maintain their main certification. If you are an instructor, hold behavior, tools or puppy certifications or added accolade please be sure to add those CEUs to what is needed for maintaining those accolades. Any other requirements for maintaining your certification will be in our certified trainer portal.
No-one is required to go through certification to take our courses. You may take courses simply for more knowledge.
WCCA-L1CT yearly Re-Certification requirements = 2 CEUs, 2 letters of reference mailed in by clients per year for 3 years of being WCCA Certified + 2 Client videos per year for 3 years:
Each of the client videos should show:
* A before training begins (showing what issues or behaviors that are going to be addressed)
* A video showing your explanation and demonstration of the training to the client.
* A video showing finished training.
+ a scheduled handling test with WCCA. If you live out of state or area we will do a zoom testing
Years 4+ will require your 2 CEUs per year plus yearly handling test, we may randomly require a letter of reference.
WCCA-CPT yearly Re-Certification requirements = 2 CEUs + 2 letters of reference mailed in by clients per year for 3 years + a scheduled handling test with WCCA. If you live out of state or area we will do a zoom testing
Years 4+ will require your 2 CEUs per year plus yearly handling test, we may randomly require a letter of reference.
WCCA-CPI yearly Re-Certification requirements = 1 CEUs + continued instruction with WCCA. Once you are no longer instructing with WCCA you will not hold the WCCA-CPI Title.
WCCA-CPBT - Certified Professional Behavior Trainer yearly Re-Cerification requirements - 2 CEUs + a scheduled written and handling test with WCCA. If you live out of state or area we will do a zoom testing
WCCA - (T) Tools yearly Re-Fresher requirements -1/2 CEU in tools + 2 letters of reference mailed in by clients per year, scheduled handling test with WCCA. If you live out of state or area we will do a zoom testing. This is a completion of course that affords those with a "T" initial but is not a certification. This is in addition to your main certification.
WCCA-(p) Certified Puppy yearly Re-Certification requirements -1 CEU in puppies + 1 video of puppy consultation with a client or equivalent + 1 video puppy socialization with pups/dogs/people + 1 video puppy exposure to environment/objects/sounds/enrichment. This is in addition to your main certifications.
Those who fail to Re-Certify within 13 months of becoming a WCCA Certified Trainer will loose their certification, will lose the rights to use the WCCA logo, will lose the rights to use the WCCA Certification logos, will be removed from the WCCA website, member portals and groups. If you have questions, be sure to ask early as waiting until the last minute to obtain CEUs, letters, videos etc. could cause a failure in getting them in on time and cause you to lose your certification.
Certification Cost Per Year = $200 This covers the time it takes to review all materials, update certification, etc.
Late Fee $100 - If you do not meet the required re-certification time frame there is a late fee to be paid for each month you are late.
Approved training schools, workshops, conferences, memberships, online classes, etc. are in the members portal.
WCCA (L1CT) Level 1 Certified Trainer = Trainers with under 1 - 5 years experience
WCCA (CPT) Certified Professional Trainer = Over 4 year experience
WCCA (CPI) = Certified Professional Instructor (over 7 years experience)
WCCA (CPBT) = Certified Professional Behavior Trainer, these trainers specialize in behavior modification (over 5 years experience in dog training required)
WCCA- (T) Certificate of Completion in Tools. Trainers with the ( T ) initial have completed our Tools of The Trade Course and have learned the proper and safe use of tools for pet dog training.
WCCA (p) Trainers with /p at the end of their title have furthered their education specific to puppy raising and training. They have the Certified Puppy initial added to their title.